708,200 平方米
通过不断的改造,丰田已经成为世界上最大的汽车制造商。从 1890 年代作为织布机公司开始,丰田将其独创性应用于机械工程,先是发动机,然后是汽车,继续开拓通往电动、氢能和自动驾驶汽车的道路。 2018 年,丰田汽车公司首席执行官丰田章男先生宣布,丰田将再次从汽车公司转型为移动公司。这对公司提出了挑战,不仅要关注车辆,还要研究人们在日常生活各个方面的移动方式。 Toyota Woven City 被设想为一个活生生的实验室,用于测试和推进个人移动性、自主性和移动性即服务、连接性、氢动力基础设施和行业协作。典型的道路分为三部分:一条为车辆交通优化的街道,其下方为物流交通;微型交通长廊,如自行车、踏板车和个人移动;以及一个供行人、植物群和动物群使用的线性公园。这三股构成了城市的 DNA,它们交织在一起形成了一个 3x3 的城市街区模块。八座建筑组成了街区,构成了一个中央庭院,可通过长廊和线性公园进入。这个框架被扩展和复制以形成社区,通过扭曲网格,两个庭院被扩大以创建一个大型广场或公园,成为城市规模的便利设施。即使是为富士山量身定制的,Woven City 的原则也是如此普遍,以至于它们可以很容易地应用到现有的城市织物上,如纽约、巴塞罗那或东京。
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以世俗和崇高的方式,我们可以创造一个更高复杂性和更大弹性的城市。如果一种用途消散,另一种用途就会巩固。一个是夜间活动,另一个是白天活动。事实上,两种活动越不同,就越有可能产生前所未有的结果。在建筑中,就像在爱情中一样,异性相吸。An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction: hedonistic sustainability, pragmatic utopia, social infrastructure. The architectural equivalent is a structure that combines seemingly incompatible activities or building types into a single structure.
Our cities and buildings are built on a paradigm of front of house and back of house. City infrastructure projects are utilitarian machines, isolated from the urban inhabitants they serve. You can find them on Google like cancerous tissue on a city map. The more specialized a utility becomes, the more reasons to separate it from the public to improve its performance and efficiency. We all know that a piece of infrastructure can have negative side effects, like the underside of an overpass, the shadow cast by a chimney, the noise of a highway, or the gaping wound of a parking lot. But we also know that once a piece of infrastructure shuts down, it can be reborn with positive programs. Train tracks become a park. A power plant becomes a museum. What if we could start by combining the utilitarian and the social? What if our urban infrastructures opened on day one with positive social and environmental side effects?
In the future, as technologies evolve to become clean, noiseless, and emission-free, the practical reasons for isolating utilities will evaporate, opening up countless new unions between served and servant spaces. Public utilities with programs for the people. Imagine the necessary flood protection for Manhattan designed so that a seawall doesn't segregate city life from the water around it. Rather, it makes the waterfront more accessible and enjoyable. A waste-to-energy power plant so clean that we can turn its roof into an alpine park for hiking, climbing, and skiing. Novel transportation technologies eliminating the traditional infrastructure of stations and waiting halls. Parking structures doubling as markets or co-working environments. An entire city remapped and the street reborn as a woven linear park or a promenade. The underside of a bridge turning into an upside-down gallery-street art's equivalent of the Sistine Chapel. Or in reverse, a museum that doubles as a bridge?
Taking the profane and the elevated, we can create a city of higher complexity and greater resiliency. If one use dissipates, the other consolidates. One is nocturnal, the other diurnal. In fact, the more different two activities are, the more likely thev are to produce the unprecedented. In architecture, as in love, opposites attract.