



2,450 平方米


2019 年

令我们惊讶的是,在哥本哈根动物园的中心为两只大熊猫毛笋和星二创建丹麦家园的主要设计挑战是,两者必须完全分开。 每年除了雌性发情的那几天外,两只大熊猫还会打架——即使是大熊猫也很难同居。 显而易见的解决方案是一个圆形的栖息地,分为两个独立的区域——一个给他,一个给她——从上面看就像一个阴阳符号。 通过升高和降低边缘,我们以尽可能不显眼的方式在熊猫和客人之间建立了必要的保护。 餐厅为客人提供与熊猫一起用餐的机会。 材料调色板真实而熟悉:用竹模板浇铸的混凝土、由管状耐候钢管制成的围栏(让人想起竹子)、由河卵石制成的巨型水磨石反映了熊猫毛皮的黑白图案。 最终的结果是一个风格化的栖息地,充满了熊猫斯堪的纳维亚和亚洲家园的自然和文化元素。


  • 人与所有其他生命形式之间的鸿沟越来越大。城市正在成为单一文化。它们的人口数量正在增加,但生物多样性正在下降。生活系统可以为城市提供很多东西。死的东西腐烂的地方,活的东西生长。宫殿变成废墟,田野变成森林。如果我们可以设计城市发展而不是恶化呢?增长通过享乐主义的可持续发展打破了城市和乡村之间的传统区别——环境旨在生态繁荣,同时提高人类居民的生活质量可持续的。


    There is a widening divide between people and all other forms of life. Cities are becoming monocultures. They are increasing in human population but declining in biodiversity. Living systems have a lot to offer cities. Where dead things decay, living things grow. Palaces turn to ruins while fields grows into forests. What if we could design cities to grow rather than deteriorate? Growing breaks down the traditional distinctions between city and countryside through hedonistic sustainability-environments designed to thrive ecologically while improving the quality of life for human inhabitants Rather than relying on reduction and sacrifice in order to be green, grown cities wil simultaneouslv be more desirable and more sustainable.

    Imagine a restaurant where the food is not merely prepared and consumed, but also grown. A zoo designed for animals and humans alike, like the most biodiverse neighborhood in the town. Finally, a floating city designed from scratch to address every Sustainable Development Goal of the United Nations. All the energy harvested from the elements: the thermal mass of the ocean, the flow of the currents and tides, the force of the waves, the energy and heat of the sun, and the power of the wind. Water collected and cleaned locally in a mixture of organic and mechanical systems. The food locally sourced and grown, fish- and plant-based. Waste is recycled, digested, and composted put to new use or harvested for energy. Rather than a city designed around a street grid or a building layout, an urban design that starts with the available renewable resources and the orchestrated flow of resources through the city. Free to grow organically by adding floating island after island, to form an urban archipelago of interconnected cells, reconfigurable like a sliding puzzle, growing like a culture in a petri dish. In our future, we will design with and for living tissue, for the cohabitation of all life forms. Human-made ecosystems, grown rather than built.

Kaktus Towers

Kaktus Towers