Klein House

Klein House



17 平方米


2018 年

Klein House 是一座按比例缩小为产品的建筑,其尺寸可以以 100% 可回收材料制成的模块交付现场。未来的房主可以出于任何目的在任何地点购买、定制和建造房屋,从周末度假到客房或音乐工作室再到创意静修。该设计是传统 A 型框架机舱的演变,传统的 A 型机舱以倾斜的屋顶和倾斜的墙壁而闻名,它们易于建造,并且在恶劣的气候下非常耐用。通过将结构旋转 45 度,房屋的最低部分转移到两个角落,最大限度地提高了内部天花板的高度。Klein House 变成了一个更宽敞的 A 型框架,形成了一个不断变化的水晶般的形状——从某些角度看它几乎像一个立方体,而从其他角度看它像一个锥形尖顶或经典的轮廓 . 宽敞的无框窗户和海洋级帆布在结构上伸展,形成无缝、防风雨的外壳。内部提供舒适的舒适感,同时完全沉浸在大自然中。裸露的木框架和深色绝缘软木塞将大自然带入室内,同时突出了荒野的景色。一个小壁炉坐落在一个角落,而离网设备则藏在后面,支持一个完全可靠和自供电的家庭。


  • 最多产的建筑师一生中可能会实现 100 座,最多 1000 座建筑。每年在全球范围内上升的数十亿平方米的沧海一粟。无法扩展,即使在生产力的上限,建筑仍然是精品。如果我们看看过去 30 年美国制造业生产力的提高,每个工人创造的价值增长超过 150%。在建筑方面,我们看到一条平缓的下降线。主要区别在于,建筑行业几乎没有受到流经制造业的自动化浪潮的影响。尽管该行业明显缺乏创新,但每座建筑都是原型——总是从头开始。对原创的坚持是原创建筑最大的阻碍。通过从不重复设计,我们消除了我们在制造中发现的改进和优化的力量;例如,即使设计类型保持不变,iPhone X 也远远优于 iPhone 1。


    The most prolific architect will realize maybe 100, at best 1,000, buildings in a lifetime. A drop in the ocean of the billions of square meters that go up all over the planet every year. Unable to scale, architecture remains boutique even at its upper limits of productivitv. If we look at the increase in productivity in American manufacturing over the last three decades, the increase in value generated per worker is more than 150 percent. For construction, we see a flat line with a gentle decline. The main difference is that the construction industry has remained practically unaffected by the wave of automation that has flowed through manufacturing. And despite the apparent lack of innovation in the industry, each building is a prototype-always starting from scratch. The insistence on the original is the greatest hindrance for original architecture. By never repeating a design, we eliminate the forces of refinement and optimization that we find in manufacturing; the iPhone X, for example, is vastly superior to the iPhone 1 even if the design typology has remained the same.

    By productizing architecture, we can deliver architectural impact at scale. We can reduce the architecture to the scale of furniture - a building to a product, prefabricated and fully functional straight of the truck. Or we can design manufactured elements, like the architectural equivalent of LEGO, which allow for almost infinite variability in their reassembly. We can create the classic original architectural prototype, and redeploy it in multiple cities across the world, their uniqueness intact due to geographical separation. Finally, by freeing ourselves from the greatest strength and weakness of architecture - its intrinsic connection to real estate, fixed assets-we may be able to imagine buildings and cities like products. Liberated from terra firma and gravity, floating on water, deployable like a fleet of prefabricated neighborhoods waiting to dock for a year, a decade, or a century. Architects are rich in ideas, but often poor in impact. Thoughts without action. Vision without mission. Productization can unleash the power of manufacturing on architecture to deliver impact at scale, finally merging the best of both worlds: custom-tailored sustainable design at great numbers, high quality at low cost. The original as the new standard.



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